Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why I Have No Posts

Mr Elmore, Im going to be gone on Wednesday, but I will post something as soon as possible.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wolf Man Paul

What is their name? Wolf Man Paul
Where are they from? Transilvania

What is their gender? Male

Are they human? No (not any more at least)

If there are not human what are they? Werewolf

What is their goal in life? Eat all the villagers

How old are they? 200

What are their strengths? Wolf-like speed, strength, and hunger

What are their weaknesses? A silver bullet in the heart

How is their hygiene? Goodish

How much do they make a year? None

What is their favorite food? Villagers

What was the highest level of education they have completed? Got a really good job as a doctor

Do they have any special talents? Extremely gifted doctor

Do they have any prominent features? Scar, nose, chin, hair color, bald spot, missing tooth? Bite mark on neck and claw marks on face. Very scruffy dark brown hair or fur. White and blue eyes.

Is there anything else that we need to know about this character? He can only be killed by a silver bullet